Big Brother Canada - Season 9
Trailer: Big Brother Canada
Big Brother Canada Season 10
Big Brother Canada Season 11
Big Brother Canada Season 12
Season Premier
Fourteen new house guests move into the Big Brother Canada house to compete for the grand prize of $100,000 in addition to prizes from sponsors...
Live Eviction
House guests vote to evict one of the two nominees.
HOH and Nominations
Team Destiny and Team Defender face off in the first HOH competition of the season. House guests on the losing team fight to stay off the block. The...
House guests compete for the Power of Veto, with which the winner can veto a nomination, if they choose.
Live Eviction
It's eviction night and the house guests vote to send someone home. The remaining house guests compete for the HOH.
House Guests face nomination with a new HOH in place.
House guests compete for the Power of Veto, with which the winner can veto a nomination, if they choose.
Live Eviction
It's eviction night and the house guests vote to send someone home. The remaining house guests compete for the HOH.
House guests face nomination with a new HOH in place.
House guests compete for the Power of Veto, with which the winner can veto a nomination, if they choose.
Live Eviction
It's eviction night and the house guests vote to send someone home. The remaining house guests compete for the HOH.
House guests face nomination with a new HOH in place.
House guests compete for the Power of Veto, with which the winner can veto a nomination, if they choose.
Live Eviction
It's eviction night and the house guests vote to send someone home. The remaining house guests compete for the HOH.
House guests face nomination with a new HOH in place.
House guests compete for the Power of Veto, with which the winner can veto a nomination, if they choose.
Live Double Eviction
The house guests vote to send the first house guest out of the Big Brother Canada house and off to the jury house. Then, the house guests are...
House guests face nomination with a new HOH in place.
House guests compete for the Power of Veto, with which the winner can veto a nomination, if they choose.
Live Eviction
It's eviction night and the house guests vote to send someone home. The remaining house guests compete for the HOH.
Episode 21
With an HOH in place, the houseguests face nomination.
Episode 22
The houseguests compete for the coveted Power of Veto, with which the winner has the ability to veto a nominee up for eviction.
Episode 23
A fake double eviction has two players evicted with the opportunity for one of them to return to the game.
Episode 24
The results from the fake double eviction battle back are revealed as the houseguests deal with the fallout; a new HOH is crowned in a nail-biting...
Episode 25
The houseguests compete for the coveted Power of Veto, with which the winner has the ability to veto a nominee up for eviction.
Episode 26
The final four is determined when another houseguest is evicted from the house; following the eviction results, the remaining houseguests compete for...